I don’t believe in soulmates or happily ever after anymore! 

Before you bash me about the head for being negative or cynical or any of the other many colourful words you may be coming up with, stop, breathe and listen! 

I don’t believe in the notion that there is one person specifically made for another. I used to. But as time has shown me, this isn’t the case. I truly believe that we are each to our own and sufficiently so. No, we are not islands. We are energy and light. And our energy and light is so vast that we really are able to be alone. We are made in the likeness and image of God. There is only one true soulmate and that is God. To believe that any other one person could fulfill such a huge role would be to deny the very existence of a God. To place any person in that role would be highly unfair and also a denial of God. I am not prepared to do that. 

Having said that, I do believe that there are certain gems placed in the world who naturally complement us. God makes a way for us to interact in a way that enriches each other’s souls. These pre-destined interactions are to be cherished and cared for. Those are who we call friends. Every now and then we meet a friend who gets us just a little more than the rest and we end up co-existing and reproducing with them. That becomes our partner, but that still does not replace our God, our true soul mate. 

As for happily ever after. You are not in a fairy tale. Grow up. Know that sometimes there are days that are not as happy as others and that is ok. Happiness is not determined by those days. Happiness is determined by our attitude to those days.

Choose to be happy. Choose to be blessed. Choose God as your soulmate and never place a mere mortal in God’s place and you will never be disappointed again. The end. 

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