Go Fish! 

We have entered the Zodiac sign Pisces, as depicted by the fish. It is also interesting to note that we are living in the age of Pisces, Google is your friend!

On 1 March, we will also be moving into a new season, Autumn. Autumn is the three-month period between Summer and Winter in which the days gradually get shorter, the nights gradually get longer and summer leaves are shed in preparation for Winter. Squirrels start collecting more food in preparation for the colder months to come. In the home, smaller throws are unpacked as the nights are slightly chillier and you may find yourself requiring a light jacket or cardigan when venturing out at night.

The seasons and zodiac signs are so interesting to me. Perhaps because I am born on March 21st on the Winter Solstice and the start of the next sign, Aries. My ram’s horns are strong! A fire sign!

Pisces is a water sign. Although its origins have been watered down to only depict the fish, which makes most sense, please note, again, Google is your friend!

To all my fellow, fishy friends, may you be blessed and enjoy your celebrations.

Walk on water.

Immerse yourself in positive vibrations.

Allow yourself to experience the gentle river and respect the powerful ocean.

Go fish!

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