“That’s unethical” – Tyla on how to dish a plate of food 

I had been invited to the mothership for dinner with the parentals. As a special request, I asked for roast chicken and veggies! Mum rose to the occasion and made sure that all my favourites were there.

The dinner table was neatly laid out and Mum’s dishes were placed in the following order, from where I was sitting: Roasted lamb chops, grilled veggies in white sauce with cheese, roasted chicken pieces and savoury rice. I picked up my plate and proceeded to dish per the prescribed order of things. I know no other life! So, I dished my chop and just as I was about to dish my veggies, I hear Tyla gasping “Mom, what are you doing? You can’t dish chops and veg next to each other, it’s unethical!” I paused for a moment, trying to keep a straight face, but then burst out laughing. Me: “What does that mean? Surely, I can dish my plate of food in whichever order I choose, and I choose to work per the placement of the dishes in relation to me!” Tyla: “No, everyone knows it’s unethical. First chops, then chicken, next to each other on one side of the plate. Then veg and rice next to each other on the other side of the plate. Remember there needs to be a gap between the two sides because they can’t touch. It’s unethical!” After about two seconds, I decided that it wasn’t worth the back and forth and just dished “ethically”, besides I was starving and just wanted to eat! My Ty, she says the darnedest things!

Ethics, what a diverse concept. What is it based on anyway? Who decides what is ethical or unethical? I know that our basic laws are built around religious rules, the Ten Commandments and such, obviously expanded on at length. And then the justice for unethical behaviour, who determines that? Is one sin greater than another? Does it depend on how many other people are affected by your action?

I do know and understand the need for basic rules and regulations in society. We certainly cannot be allowed to run riot, if we aim to maintain a certain level of civility in any society. Each society has different norms which they have adopted and adapted over the years. That which may be accepted in one society may be completely rejected in another. It’s so important when traveling, that thorough research is done into the culture, you will be visiting. To avoid insulting anyone or appearing as uncultured.

I personally hold my own views on ethics. I follow the law to the best of my ability. I adhere to the rules as best I can when it comes to what is expected of me as a member of the coloured culture. I believe in doing good to receive good and that somehow this will all balance out in the end. That’s ethical to me. I’ve also adopted, from the Hippocratic oath: First Do No Harm

Those four words if adopted correctly can change your world in relation to others. If my intended actions or words will cause harm to another, I will choose to not respond instead of causing harm. This applies in matters, even when I was harmed. It adds fuel to fire and really has no positive outcome. I believe in educating those around me on ethics, if I feel that I have been wronged I feel it is my duty to explain to the person why they have wronged me and how they can rectify the matter. Sometimes this is accepted, sometimes this is rejected. I find that the mentally immature, cannot cope with my straight forward approach. That’s their problem not mine.

We’re all just trying to live a good life. Let us do so while remaining mindful of others, who are also trying to live a good life.

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