My life in a box, in a box, in a box! 

Last Christmas, we were extremely blessed! The parentals had given us each more than one gift, and the Christmas tree was overwhelmingly full. Abundance. I love that word. One of my gifts from my mom was a box in a box in a box in a box! It’s pretty, decorated with flowers, which I love […]

Not this time

I have experienced rejection at various points in my life. At times it nearly destroyed me, but as you can see, here I am, alive and well because nobody ever died due to being unfriended. This piece is not to diminish the emotional trauma and distress caused by physical rejection. On the contrary, I want […]


It needs to be said out loud! A fellow Christian dared to insinuate that I was a doormat because I am a submissive wife and proud to be so by choice. Oh no my dear! You have it all so very wrong and I suggest you read your Bible again and then again until it […]


While on the topic of traditions let’s talk about Christmas! Cook everything. Decorate an immensely oversized tree with a million gifts for every person that could or would even potentially cross the threshold! Always an open invitation at Cranley Manor (my mommy’s house in Athlone, there behind Najwa and Taliep’s house – that’s a story […]


Every family is different! Sunday lunch has always been an institution in my family. A non negotiable – we will sit together as a family and we will eat around the table and heaven forbid you chose to be anywhere else but around that table! I created these rules even when I lived with my […]


I used to be single once. Not that long ago and also when I say single I mean super single…nothing, zero, nada! I had this misconception that being in a relationship was the be all and end all in life and that somehow I had failed. But equally disturbing was that i was also confused […]


I used to have this crazy rule about dating: FRIENDS DON’T DATE FRIENDS! I more than frowned upon the idea, I was flat out disgusted by it. When two sets of couples emerged from our “friend” circle I was mortified, angry even but mostly just grossed out. Incest! In both these cases the guys would […]

Do you even know what you are afraid of?

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you – Luke 10:19 In the South African context the Scorpions were an independent, multidisciplinary agency that investigated and prosecuted organised crime and corruption. Although this unit is […]